The GoPro Drone is for Amateurs
The GoPro Drone is for Amateurs
Aerial Photography is becoming a quickly stacked business. With this increase in trade, you’ll find a lot of people trying to break in who are on their amateur level. With this, there are a lot of individuals who are trying it out for the first time and using the GoPro Drone to try and break into the industry.
On the one hand, this is great because it makes the overhead cost of learning a new field pretty good. On the contrary, it’s teaching someone how to run before they can walk. For the most part, if you’re doing drone photography, you can capture some great images, but drones and photography should both be separated during the learning process.
Drones and Photography
The GoPro drone has three things working against it.
• No Manual Focus
• No Shutter speed adjustment
• No Aperture Adjustment
When you’re using the GoPro, you are capturing everything in the photo or video. When you are taking pictures, and you want to focus on a single object, you will have to integrate it in post-production artificially.
Because of this, you’re working at a disadvantage because of the nature of the camera.
Next, the drone itself is designed and works around impromptu videos, which works great with the GoPro itself. Regarding adjusting itself for photos of events, it runs the standard racket of able to fly up to 10.5k feet, and out to 9.8k feet away from the controller before losing control.
The controller itself was designed with a simplicity which is. Unfortunately, it’s downfall. With a battery life and a relatively unintuitive. The screen size and resolution make it great for live streaming the information, and that is truly a feat that is worth noting. But handling it and using it to gain specific shots can be a nightmare.
Falcon Air Vistas
Ultimately, the karma drone is a great piece of technology with some truly innovative technology behind it. But at the same time, it doesn’t offer enough room on the drone itself or the camera to break into professional aerial photography, but it is a fantastic door for people to first use it.
Falcon Air Vistas custom-engineered all of our drones to capture special events from high-areas specifically. With auto-focusing and aperture control, we can capture everything that’s big and focus on the smallest of moments. If you would like to learn more about our services, please give us a call today at 786-544-6136
Editor’s Note: Also, if you already own a Karma, please ensure that yours is safe as there has been a recall issued.